About Launch 3

How and why we choose our numbers:

Every number we use is part of the Fibonacci sequence, which is like nature’s special code, seen in flowers and shells, showing how everything is connected. Some people use it to understand life’s bigger picture and to make choices that feel right in their hearts.

The number 3

to many is considered as the perfect number, the number of harmony, wisdom and understanding.

The number 21

carries a message of spiritual growth, positivity, and new beginnings.

The number 55

symbolizes upcoming life changes. It prompts personal growth & encourages stepping out of your comfort zone.

The Launch 3 Story

Through our comprehensive coaching programs, we aim to inspire and motivate young individuals to discover their passions, unlock their full potential, and confidently navigate the complex landscape of entrepreneurship and professional careers.

We believe that success is not just about financial achievements but also about creating a meaningful and fulfilling life.

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Centered around coaching, community and content, Launch 3 provides insights that inspire students to find their purpose and transform their personal and professional lives.

Students are encouraged to leverage the knowledge of their Launch 3 mentors and their peers to ask for help, guidance and accountability when needed. We will provide and curate the content, tools and resources to help them launch their lives, personal brands and careers with purpose.

The Launch 3 Program focuses on the inspiration, communication and creativity needed for students to develop essential real-life skills that will propel them into the future.

We make the complicated things simple and the simple things easy to execute so students can hit the ground running with self-confidence and a well thought out plan to achieve their goals.

Our personalized, on-demand guidance, practical insights, and real-world strategies are designed to help students develop the critical thinking, leadership abilities, effective communication, and adaptability that is not always taught in schools.

The birth of Launch 3 happened organically.

Jon had just created an 8-week summer internship for his 20-year-old son, centered on nurturing the mind, body, and spirit for life and business. Around that time, David released his 53rd of 64 installments on lifeintroduced.com. This caught Jon’s attention, leading him to invite David to be a guest on his podcast.

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After the interview, the two discussed a shared vision of coaching individuals intheir twenties to get them ready for the real world. They both had benefitted from this valuable coaching by mentors early on and knew that many young adults do not have the same opportunity.

Their conversation turned into a collaboration, leading to the development of Launch 3 – a program rooted in experience, understanding, and the genuine desire to guide youth during this crucial life stage.

The ultimate roadmap for life’s upcoming journey. Guaranteed.

Ever since I stepped into the Launch 3 program, I’ve been on an upward trajectory. For anyone in the 18-26 sweet spot, ready to fast-track their way into the business world with eyes wide open, this program is the golden ticket. It’s not just about sitting back listening to someone speak. It’s about diving deep into what makes you tick and translating that into real-world success.


Launch 3 is about clarity—figuring out your goals, your values, and how to align them with every step you take. It’s a roadmap that’s loaded with the nuances you need to navigate the twists and turns of your career and life journey.


Big thanks to Dave and Jon, the brains behind this operation. Learning from them has been an absolute privilege. In just a few weeks, I’ve armed myself with insights and strategies that feel like I’ve been given a head start.


Launch 3 is for the ambitious ones ready to cut through the noise and make a real impact. Dive in if you’re looking for a no-nonsense path to personal and professional growth.


Jon helped me go from knowing near nothing to working on over $150 million pipeline within my first 2 years, he listened to my feedback and tailored his coaching style to what fit me best.
Shane, 20-Year-Old Businessman

Growing up around Jon made joining Launch 3 a no-brainer. Jon was always the first person I would consult when I reached a crossroad where I felt I was making a high-impact decision in my life. He has always steered me in the right direction and provided me the necessary resources to be successful in every direction I’ve gone.

Logan Haley, Junior, MSU

This program and regular time scheduled to meet with Jon and David has provided me guidance to reach my career aspirations and expand my professional network.
Logan Haley, Junior, MSU

Launch 3 has allowed me to be conscious of my goals and the necessary steps needed to reach them. Jon and David’s professional expertise has been vital to my mindset and expanding my knowledge in business.
Logan Haley, Junior, MSU

I would recommend Launch 3 to anyone between the ages of 18-26 who doesn’t know where they want to go with their career and anyone who does know where they want to go with their career. There is always room to learn, grow, and receive advice from some knowledgeable guys who have a ton of experience in business.

I am excited for the future of Launch3 and thankful to be a part of it.
Logan Haley, Junior, MSU

Launch 3 Podcast

Future guests and guest speakers:

Howard Behar, Former President at Starbucks

Michael Todasco, Former Head of Innovation at PayPal

Jotham Stein, Author, Negotiate Like a CEO

And Many, Many More!

Jon Dwoskin Headshot

Jon Dwoskin


Jon Dwoskin is a business, sales and productivity coach and inspirational speaker who’s been called the “business whisperer” for his skilled and compassionate insights into what can keep a corporate culture from thriving.

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Jon’s dad provided him a non-traditional path to learning at the age of 18, helping Jon, who is dyslexic, prepare for life after college.

When Jon was 18, his dad gave him Brian Tracy’s audiotape series called The Psychology of Success, saying “I know you’ll do well in college, but I think you will get more out of these tapes than you will school.” At that moment, Jon’s car became a university on wheels, and his Walkman a mobile classroom. Jon became obsessed with self-learning, spending every day since studying business, life and how to grow in both areas.

At age 23, Jon created one of the first internet marketing companies in America. He then went on to great success at several national real estate firms. Jon has built, trained, expanded and restructured both sales teams and corporate structures, but after 20 years in C-suite, he knew it was time to start the coaching business he had wanted to build since he was 18.

Jon is the author of “The Think Big Movement,” a fable about getting unstuck and transforming a business. He has hosted over 2200 podcasts including THINK Business, The Think Big Movement, and the 7-Minute Sales Minute.

Jon has also shared his business coaching and growth expertise as an author and contributor for Forbes, on television news segments on Fox 2 News and WXYZ Detroit.

Named among the Top 15 Coaches in Detroit by Influence Digest, Jon has also been recognized in Crain’s Detroit Business’s prestigious “40 Under 40” and previously received EMU’s Alumnus of the Year Award.

As a constant student and teacher, Jon is passionate about getting you unstuck so you can be the best version of yourself possible, and teaching you the small things that lead to BIG changes in your life. 

Jon Dwoskin Headshot

David Chernow


While David Chernow learned a lot at the University of Michigan and law school, nothing compares to the unique education that he received from less non-academic pursuits.


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Working as a houseman for a billionaire, studying theater at the famed Lee Strausberg Theatre Institute, door-to-door home improvement sales and passing the bar exam. This diverse background provided David with invaluable insight that he put to good use when just starting out.

Today, David is a principal at Superior Manufacturing, developer of industrial repair and maintenance products; Alkuhme, crafter of green household cleaning and personal care products; Tri-Chem, distributor of coatings and sealers, degreasers, tooling and safety products; and Brightwing, provider of workforce solutions, specializing in IT, Engineering, Finance and Accounting staffing and recruiting. He also just completed a 64-week journey of spiritual narratives -- “tiny insights to nudge your life open” -- at LifeIntroduced.com.

As a Co-Founder and Mentor of the Launch 3 program, David is eager to share the essential skills he's acquired over the years to help young individuals excel in their careers, build their personal brands, and live meaningful lives.